The Fundação de Educação Artística (FEA), based in Belo Horizonte, is an autonomous, non-profit organization founded in 1963 by a group of innovative musicians, including Sergio Magnani, who participated in the initial planning stages and was chosen as its first Music Director. Due to its libertarian stance, accompanied by rigor and vigor in musical learning, the FEA has, throughout its long history, attracted and trained artists and teachers whose work is respected in Brazil and abroad. Magnani's presence at the Foundation was always one of masterful guidance and affectionate collaboration. The fact that he bequeathed to it his documentary, musical, and bibliographic collection, as well as his working instrument, a vertical piano, expresses his appreciation for the institution. The organization, storage, and potential for dissemination of the Sergio Magnani collection represent an invaluable source of reference on the musical life of Minas Gerais in the second half of the 20th century, whose documents are now arranged according to the standards of the International Council on Archives and can be accessed for free on the web.